The committee’s main responsibility will be to encourage and promote programs that increase section membership to individuals aged 35 years and younger.
This committee shall prepare and submit a budget to the Chair for activities that will promote the goal of the committee.
The committee shall work to promote the benefits of AWWA membership through participation and career development.
The committee shall attempt to identify younger individual members who can be encouraged to take an active leadership role in the Section.
Work with the Executive Director in implementing the Annual Water Taste Test each year at the Annual Conference by providing officials, supervising set-up of facilities, briefing contestants prior to the contest, critiquing the latest contest each year for improvements, and providing updated Official Rules and Regulations to the Section Staff advisor.
The committee Chair shall serve on the Membership Committee to develop programs of interest to professionals in the Section.
The committee shall work with the Education committee to develop educational opportunities for YP in the perspective states.
The committee will encourage all YPs to serve on at least one section committee for the purposes of promoting leadership within the Section.
When appropriate, actively promote and solicit applications for the Young Professionals Award.
The committee shall prepare a citation and compile biographical information on the nominee sufficient for announcement purposes and submit to the Board of Trustees.
Present appropriate activity report at the annual Business meeting.